What qualifications do I need to have to study in the United States?

in the United States, there are no uniform regulations and no overarching organization that determines which qualifications you need to bring from your home country and what is credited to you if you want to graduate in the United States. International agreements and experience are often decisive for the yes or no to the requirements you have if you want to study at a higher education institution in the United States.

What qualifications do I need to have?

To be accepted to an American university, you will definitely need a secondary education and a corresponding degree certificate or a degree comparable to it. Then there are also a whole host of other factors that can play a role, such as your grades or the scores you’ve had on relevant tests. In many cases, the university must first find out whether and to what extent the requirements you bring with you are the same as in the United States.

Since each country has its own education system and all these systems differ from each other, some universities take a lot of time to check these requirements. It is often the case that the university you are contacting uses so-called credentials. In these cases, the university’s International Office will let you know what you need to do and know in order to be accepted at the university. These credentials are created by independent organizations that analyze your qualifications and verify the credentials. They will then let your university know how the relevant requirements are met.

If your university recommends a specific provider of these credentials, it’s best to use that provider as well. Sometimes you don’t have to worry about anything at all and the university takes care of all these tasks for you. If you are only told to seek such a service, then you should be very careful when choosing. There are countless such providers, but there are no fixed standards and regulations on the part of the government.

How do I find the right credential provider?

How do I know which providers of these credentials are reputable and recognized? If you choose one of the providers from these two associations, then you will certainly be on the right page.

What information do these providers need from me?

Here is a list of things you should have ready for the service provider so that your request can be processed quickly and successfully.

  • Dues. How much the service will cost you depends on what information you can provide them.
  • English translations. If you have certificates and documents written in the language of your home country, then you should seek an official and certified translation.
  • The name of your degree program. Whether you will be recognized at the American university also depends on which program you are enrolled in; some degree programmes have special requirements that are required for acceptance.
  • All the more, the better. If you have more information about your previous education in your home country, no matter what, then it’s best to send it right away. This includes grade point averages, degrees, diplomas, certificates, test scores, and whatever else you can think of. You should provide as much information as possible to ensure that your case is successfully processed. The more information you can give, the higher the chances that you will be accepted at the university. 

And now?

Once you have submitted everything, the service provider will process your case. There are numerous factors that go into this process. Each case is handled individually. Many Americans also have to go through this evaluation process; to learn more, check out our chapter on university admissions. Your evaluation can vary greatly depending on which university you are applying to.

If you don’t agree with a review, there is an appeal procedure. The International Office at the university you want to attend can help you go through this whole process and also the appeal without you having a nervous breakdown. Going through the appeal process can take quite a while and it may not end well, but it’s definitely worth a try if there’s only the slightest chance that you’ll be able to go to your desired university.

The qualifications and requirements you need to meet to attend a university in the United States depend mainly on the university and the provider of the credential. The International Office of your chosen university will certainly help you go through the application process at the university and is always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Don’t hesitate to ask if something is unclear. Don’t let all these formalities unsettle you and always stay in touch with your contact persons. Good luck with your applications!

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